It´s time to give all this "working in process" Stories some love!!! Why? Because you can!
Give us your favorite
Twilight, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Vampire Diaries, Southern Vampire Mysteries,

Hunger Games, Mortal Instruments, Crossover, Slash "W.I.P.-FanFiction"


Questions & Answers

1. Do I need to send a nomination in all categories?

a) It is not necessary.

2. I can´t find my Banner / Link!!!

If you use´d the link from your banner from this website, then it is gone.
Why? Because there will be always new Nominations and Winners.
But don´t worry we have them "stored" on our official Facebook Page.
You don´t even need an Account there to "save" your Banner!!!

3. Which pairings are allowed? 

It does not matter which pairing as long as it fits the Category!
( canon / non canon / slash / crossover )

4. Why 40000 as minimum word-count? 

40000 words are, after a comprehensive analysis, the averaged count of words, where the first so called "writers block" happens, add to this the fact, that 95% of all "One-Shot" contests have the rule of a 10-15k word maximum and we talking about "Working in process" and not short-stories, then we are back to the original idea of a motivation award for multi-fandom and genre to give all these stories a chance to be recognized and motivated to give us more and more for our addictions.